Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm in Italy & Spain BLOG- Italian law, Spanish law, European Union law, International law - Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm in Italy and Spain- lawyers, solicitors, barristers, tax advisors

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Polizia Locale di Roma Capitale
Comune di Roma- Municipio XV
Report related to an anomalous reply received after having filed an application for access to documents ex L. 241 del 1990
Report already published on August, 3th 2022 by Avvocato Cassazionista Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi

#Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Rome - Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Roma
related to a really serious problem with the Italian “Portale dei depositi penali”
September,20th 2022- Remote Qualified signature Namirial-(Firma digitale remota Namirial) - I have received three times in 9 hours the same One time password (OTP) that should instead expire in a few seconds after being generated. This is a risk for any user.

Their and my replies- (I have already informed also the CNF that is the Consiglio Nazionale Forense/ Italian National Bar Cuncil and the Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma/ Bar Association of Rome, Italy)
Liuzzi e Liuzzi Bufete internacional de abogados y economistas- International Law & Tax Firm (Italy- Spain)- Please pay attention because we have discovered on Google there's a fake profile
[where somebody says our Law Firm is located in Paseo de la Castellana and it's not true]
and another profile which is unauthorized as we do not run that profile
so please contact us directly via our website.

Por favor atención ya que existe en Google un perfil falso que indica que nuestro Bufete se encuentra en la dirección siguiente en Madrid y esto es falso. No tenemos ninguna oficina allí. Por favor para ponerse en contacto con nuestro Bufete es imprescindible visitar nuestra web oficial en la que pueden encontrar nuestros datos de contacto presionar aquí para contactarnos.

Estamos obviamente actuando para amparar nuestro derechos. Email: International Whatsapp: 00393392700695
We are operative also in August 2022- Contact us also for urgent legal advice and assistance- Italian Law, Spanish Law, European Union Law (Criminal Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Tax Law)
LIUZZI e LIUZZI International Law & Tax Firm (Italy- Spain)- January, 2022 - Insolvency and Bankruptcy in Spain accoding to Spanish Law Provisional measures.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI International Law & Tax firm (Italy- Spain) - Today's post explain what an Avvocato Cassazionista in Italy is.

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Avvocato - Abogado- Lawyer Italy/ Spain
for judicial/extrajudicial assistance for example in Rome, Milan, Napols, Florence, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Palma, Ibiza and throughout Italy and throughtout Spain and worldwide before any Italian (for instance Italian Consulates worldwide) & Spanish competent Authority

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Italian law, Spanish Law,
European Union Law,
International Law
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario)
& also before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione),
T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato
and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado)
also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

Founder of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law Firm
Avvocato Cassazionista in Italy
Abogada in Spain
Italian/Spanish Lawyer
Italian Lawyer qualified to represent clients before any Ordinary Court in Italy and also any Court of Appeal
and as Avvocato Cassazionista qualified also to represent clients before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation
and as Spanish Lawyer before any Spanish Court including the Spanish Supreme Court & the Spanish Constitutional Court

To request legal advice and assistance also for urgent cases regarding
Italian Law, Spanish Law, International Law, European Union Law
contact us via WhatsApp Italy, WhatsApp Spain, Telegram, Email, Telephone
2025 All rights reserved Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm (Italia- España)
Legal and tax advice and assistance- LIUZZI e LIUZZI
Italian law, Spanish Law, European Union Law, International Law:
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario) & also the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione), T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado) also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo
and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

Founder of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law Firm
Avvocato Cassazionista in Italy
Abogado in Spain
Italian/Spanish Lawyer

2025 All rights reserved Liuzzi e Liuzzi International la & Tax Firm Italia- España
Liuzzi e Liuzzi
Italy- Spain
& worldwide assistance
to receive our legal advice & judicial/extrajudicial assistance

European Union Law, International Law

International law and tax firm
Legal and tax advice and assistance to International companies and individuals
to receive our legal  advice and assistance
Italian law, Spanish Law, European Union Law, International Law:
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario)
& also before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione), T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato
and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado)
also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Avvocato - Abogado- Lawyer Italy/ Spain
for judicial/extrajudicial assistance for example in Rome, Milan, Napols, Florence, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Palma, Ibiza and throughout Italy and throughtout Spain and worldwide before any Italian & Spanish competent Authority
(for instance Italian Consulates worldwide)

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