LIUZZI e LIUZZI International Law & Tax Firm (Italy- Spain)- January, 2022 - Insolvency and Bankruptcy in Spain accoding to Spanish Law Provisional measures.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI International Law & Tax firm (Italy- Spain) - Today's post explain what an Avvocato Cassazionista in Italy is.
Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax Firm (Italy- Spain)- Post related to the creditors rights after the closure of insolvency proceedings in Italy

LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Today we explain you in English what the ricorso per decreto ingiuntivo is and how to proceed. A few and helpful information.
To ask for legal assistance in Italy to collect company or private debts contact Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm in Italy (or in Spain).
To ask for legal assistance in Italy to collect company or private debts contact Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm in Italy (or in Spain).

Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax firm (Italy- Spain) - Important principle of law- Italian supreme Court of Cassation – Sezioni Unite of September,24th 2020

LIUZZI e LIUZZI International Law & Tax Firm (Italy- Spain) Italian Tax Agency/ Italian Revenue Agency- Agenzia delle Entrate Provision related to documents access, simple and generic access of August, 4th 2020

Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax firm- Principles of law established by the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Enlarged Board of the Italian Supreme Court) ruling 12476/2020