Contact us- How to Contact Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm for legal advice and assistance in Italy & Spain - Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm in Italy and Spain- lawyers, solicitors, barristers, tax advisors

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Contact us- How to Contact Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm for legal advice and assistance in Italy & Spain


Italy- Spain

For a videoconferencing-appointment with the professionals of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax Firm
(Italian and Spanish lawyers/ attorneys, tax-advisors, economists),
for legal consulting and assistance
(Italian law, Spanish law, European Union Law, International Law)
please read the following instructions
For reasons of professional seriousness without a previous evaluation of the client's case
(and having received the required legal fees for it) we do not send quote for extrajudicial or judicial assistance.
[You can directly request assistance with no need of a previous appointment for other legal services
such as the urgent obtaining  Italian certificates and Vital records]
Contact the Law & Tax Firm via the contact form on our website click here

Monday- Friday:  10 am - 1 pm
                                3 am - 6 pm
(Italian/Spanish time)

For urgent legal assistance related to Italian, Spanish or International Law in Italy or in Spain or worldwide in any matter related to Italian Law and Spanish Law  contact the Law Firm 24h (365 days):
Fill in the form and send it, then send a message also via WhatsApp writing the following message: "I need urgent legal assistance- for instance related to Criminal Law (specify what area of Law and if related to Italian Law or Spanish Law) and I have filled in the form, I am (name/s surname/s)"
[Or specify what other legal assistance/consulting urgency you have to request an urgent videoconferencing appointment]

WhatsApp & Gmail& Outlook & Aol: To avoid problems with spam filters and to receive an urgent reply from the Law Firm we suggest you to send us also a WhatsApp message to our Italian WhatsApp  00393392700695  or to our Spanish WhatsApp 0034654252355 just to inform us you have contacted us - do not forget to inform us about your email address, name and surname
Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi
Avvocato Cassazionista e Abogado
Lawyer in Italy and Spain (Italian and Spanish Lawyer)
Avvocato internazionale/Abogado Internacional (Italian and Spanish Lawyer)
Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi is an Avvocato italiano member of the Bar Association of Rome, Italy
that is member of the Albo Avvocati and as Avvocato Cassazionista member of the Albo Cassazionisti of the Italian Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma
entitled to represent clients before any Italian Court of first instance (ordinary Courts) , Courts of Appeal
and also before the “Corte di Cassazione” and before the Supreme Courts High jurisdictions
and also member as Spanish Lawyer (Abogado)
of the Bar Association of Alcalá de Henares- Madrid, Spain- Ilustre Colegio de abogados de Alcalá de Henares Madrid,
España practices the profession of Lawyer in Italy and in Spain
Click here for further information related to the owner of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax Firm
LinkedIn click here to see Avvocato Cassazionista/Abogada Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi's profile on LinkedIn

Of Counsel
Dott.ssa Yanina Veronica Liuzzi  Economist and Jurist (legal counsel)
Economista with specialisation in Monetary and Tax Economics
registered with the Association of Economists of the Balearic Islands in Spain (with a degree in Economics)
and also with a degree in Law (Uned Madrid, Spain)
LinkedIn click here to see Economista - Dott.ssa (Laurea in Giurisprudenza in Spagna- Grado en Derecho en España )
Yanina Veronica Liuzzi's profile on LinkedIn

And with the collaboration of other professionals
lawyers, tax advisors, chartered accountants, medical doctors, psychologists etc.

Liuzzi e Liuzzi
Studio legale e tributario
Bufete Internacional de Abogados y Economistas



Tel. : +39 06 92 95 83 92

Roma- Italia (Rome- Italy)
Contact us
via WhatsApp Italy or email via our form or call us:
Tel. : +39 06 92 95 83 92

Milano- Italia (Milan- Italy)

Contact us
via WhatsApp Italy or email via our form or call us:
Tel. : +39 06 92 95 83 92

Torino- Italia (Turin- Italy)
Contact us
via WhatsApp Italy or email via our form or call us:
Tel. : +39 06 92 95 83 92

Barcelona- España (Barcelona - Spain)

Due to technical issues the Spanish lines are not working please contact us
via WhatsApp Spain or email via our form or call us:
Tel. : +39 06 92 95 83 92

Islas Baleares- Mallorca, Ibiza/Eivissa, Formentera, Menorca
Balearic Islands- Spain
Mallorca, Ibiza, Formentera, Menorca

Due to technical issues the Spanish lines are not working please contact us
via WhatsApp Spain or email via our form or call us:
Tel. : +39 06 92 95 83 92

Madrid - España (Spain)

Due to technical issues the Spanish lines are not working please contact us
via WhatsApp Spain or email via our form or call us:

Tel. : +39 06 92 95 83 92


WhatsApp Italy

WhatsApp Spain



For legal assistance in any matter related to Italian or Spanish Civil Law, Criminal Law, Tax Law, Administrative Law in Italy or in Spain you must fill in the form on this page.
Specify your urgency.

You will receive quickly a quotation, related to Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax firm fees for a videoconferencing appointment from any Country of the world
(in any area of practice
of the Firm of Italian Law, Spanish Law, European Union Law, International Law).

Privates and Companies who are not clients of Liuzzi e Liuzzi Law & tax Firm yet must request an appointment before receiving extrajudicial or judicial legal or tax assistance in Italy or in Spain.  

We remind you to check also your "spam" folder" to verify our replies to your requests.

Studio legale e tributario Internazionale
Bufete Internacional de Abogados y Economistas
International law & tax Firm
Judicial and extrajudicial assistance in Italy and in Spain.
Italian Law, Spanish Law, European Union law, International Law

Request a videoconferencing appointment in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese with no need of travelling to receive consulting and assistance in Italy, in Spain, in the European Union even from extra-UE Countries.

For reasons of professional seriousness  without a previous evaluation of the client's case (and having received  the required legal fees for it)
we do not send quote for extrajudicial or judicial assistance.  

Our Law Firm fees for legal advice in English/French/Italian/Spanish via videoconferencing appointment are never less than EUR 250

The appointment with our professionals - it is not a simple  "talk/call"  or just " a first appointment". It is a serious meeting and the client receives serious legal advice in his/her language.
It is  always a videoconferencing  appointment so that the client may receive legal advice in his language between English, French, Italian, Spanish with urgency, with n  delays and by the most appropriate professionals of our International  Law and tax Firm related to a matter/an issue related to an area of practice of our  International Law and Tax Firm - Italian Law, Spanish Law, European  Union Law, International Law (Civil Law, Criminal Law, Administrative  Law, Tax Law)

Worldwide assistance with no need to travel to Italy or Spain. Italian Law, Spanish Law, International Law, European Law.

Request a videoconferencing appointment in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese with no need of travelling to receive consulting and assistance in Italy, in Spain, the European Union even from extra-EU Countries

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Avvocato - Abogado- Lawyer Italy/ Spain
for judicial/extrajudicial assistance for example in Rome, Milan, Napols, Florence, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Palma, Ibiza and throughout Italy and throughtout Spain and worldwide before any Italian (for instance Italian Consulates worldwide) & Spanish competent Authority

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Italian law, Spanish Law,
European Union Law,
International Law
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario)
& also before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione),
T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato
and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado)
also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

Founder of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law Firm
Avvocato Cassazionista in Italy
Abogada in Spain
Italian/Spanish Lawyer
Italian Lawyer qualified to represent clients before any Ordinary Court in Italy and also any Court of Appeal
and as Avvocato Cassazionista qualified also to represent clients before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation
and as Spanish Lawyer before any Spanish Court including the Spanish Supreme Court & the Spanish Constitutional Court

To request legal advice and assistance also for urgent cases regarding
Italian Law, Spanish Law, International Law, European Union Law
contact us via WhatsApp Italy, WhatsApp Spain, Telegram, Email, Telephone
2025 All rights reserved Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm (Italia- España)
Legal and tax advice and assistance- LIUZZI e LIUZZI
Italian law, Spanish Law, European Union Law, International Law:
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario) & also the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione), T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado) also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo
and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

Founder of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law Firm
Avvocato Cassazionista in Italy
Abogado in Spain
Italian/Spanish Lawyer

2025 All rights reserved Liuzzi e Liuzzi International la & Tax Firm Italia- España
Liuzzi e Liuzzi
Italy- Spain
& worldwide assistance
to receive our legal advice & judicial/extrajudicial assistance

European Union Law, International Law

International law and tax firm
Legal and tax advice and assistance to International companies and individuals
to receive our legal  advice and assistance
Italian law, Spanish Law, European Union Law, International Law:
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario)
& also before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione), T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato
and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado)
also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Avvocato - Abogado- Lawyer Italy/ Spain
for judicial/extrajudicial assistance for example in Rome, Milan, Napols, Florence, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Palma, Ibiza and throughout Italy and throughtout Spain and worldwide before any Italian & Spanish competent Authority
(for instance Italian Consulates worldwide)

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