LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian and International Law and Tax Firm (Italy- Spain) Italian Supreme Court of Cassation- Ruling about the European Order of detention

Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax Firm provides legal advice and assistance in Italy and in Spain- Brief analysis on International child abduction in Italy and in Spain (within the European Union in general): What is the competent Authority in case of International child abduction?

Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax Firm provides legal advice and assistance in Italy and in Spain- Today's post: Judicial separation of the spouses in Italy according to the Italian Civil Code.

LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Self employed workers and residence in the European Union. Latest sentence from the Supreme Court of Justice of the European Union.

LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Expulsion from the European Union? Holders of long-term residence permits have a "renforced protection". Read more info here.

LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Online sales in the European Union? Pay attention if you sell more than EUR 35.000,00 in a State member for instanc ein Italy.