Bankruptcy proceedings in Italy
Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm provides judicial and extrajudicial assistance in English (or in Italian, in Spanish or in French) to International companies whose debtors are Italian companies under bankruptcy proceedings and especially under any of the following ones:
- “Fallimento”
- “Concordato preventivo”
- “Liquidazione Coatta”
- “Amministrazione Controllata”
- “Crisi da sovraindebitamento”
Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm in Italy & Spain- Studio Legale Internazionale Liuzzi e Liuzzi assist International clients before any Italian Court even if the Managers, Ceo or any responsible of the foreign company cannot travel to Italy. Clients are being assisted and receive legal advice in English provided by the English speaking professionals of the firm also by videoconference or conference-call.
Click here to fix an appointment with the Italian lawyers of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm and ask for legal advice and assistance provided in your language.