LIUZZI e LIUZZI International law and tax Firm (Italian law, Spanish Law, European Union Law, International law) - Post related to "disloyalty in the custody of documents (Delito de infidelidad en la custodia de documentos)" according to the Spanish Criminal Code-
SPANISH CRIMINAL LAW- To request urgent legal advice and assistance in English, Spanish, Italian, French Portuguese, German write us or contact us via WhatsApp ITALY 00393392700695 WhatsApp SPAIN 0034654252355 or Telegram LiuzzieLiuzzi or by phone (see under contact us section)
SPANISH CRIMINAL LAW- To request urgent legal advice and assistance in English, Spanish, Italian, French Portuguese, German write us or contact us via WhatsApp ITALY 00393392700695 WhatsApp SPAIN 0034654252355 or Telegram LiuzzieLiuzzi or by phone (see under contact us section)

To request urgent legal advice and assistance (Spanish Criminal Law or other areas of practice of Spanish and Italian law ): Para solicitar asistencia legal urgente y asesoría en español (o en italiano, inglés, farncés, portugués, alemán) en el ámbito del derecho penal italiano, español e internacional escriba a o contacte con el Bufete a través del whatsApp Italia 00393392700695 WhatsApp España 0034654252355 o Telegram LiuzzieLiuzzi

Spanish Criminal Law- Derecho penal español
Post of November 28th : "The offence of arbitrary enforcement of one’s own right in Spain (delito de realización arbitraria del propio derecho en España)" To request our legal advice and assistance WhatsApp Spain: +34654252355 WhatsApp Italy:+393392700695
Post of November 28th : "The offence of arbitrary enforcement of one’s own right in Spain (delito de realización arbitraria del propio derecho en España)" To request our legal advice and assistance WhatsApp Spain: +34654252355 WhatsApp Italy:+393392700695

The obligation of the debtor to ask for a declaration fo arrangement with creditors and he provisions of the Spanish Real Decreto - Ley 16/2020 related to procedural and logistic measures to deal with COVID-19 in the area of Administration of Justice in Spain.

LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Spanish Citizenship: how to obtain it? What are the requirements according to the Spanish legislation? Here very important info in English!